Prerequisite: Level I
Formation Leader: Celine Mitchell
Assistant: Erin Miller
Location: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Apostolate Center
Course Description:
This course is designed for individuals seeking to serve in the role of catechist for children ages 6-9 (or grades 1-3).
Time/Dates: 9:30am-5pm
A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due at time of registration and is credited to the total cost of tuition. Any remaining balance is due on the first day of course.
*Catechists serving in the Diocese of Pittsburgh can apply for full scholarship. The application form can be accessed here. Individuals who are not part of the Diocese of Pittsburgh can explore financial assistance options within their own diocese or consider applying for a partial scholarship through the United States Association of the Good Shepherd, particularly if they are already members. See details about scholarships and grants here.